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2018 Millay Arts & Poetry Festival

The Millay Arts & Poetry Festival announces plans for a one-day celebration of Maine Poets, featuring more than a dozen established and emerging Maine poets in the Farnsworth Art Museum library, Saturday September 8, 2018.

The program takes place in the museum library starting at 11 am and concluding at 5 pm. A reception with the poets follows at Harbor Square Gallery at 5:30. Both readings and reception are free and open to all. Winners of the Rockland Library Poetry Contest will open the program.

Poets reading from their work include Maine Poet Laureate Stuart Kestenbaum, Former Maine Poet Laureate Betsy Sholl, Rockland Poet Laureate Mary Jane Martin, and Belfast Poet Laureate Tom Moore. Also, Kristen Lindquist, Julia Bouwsma, David Morrison, David Paffhausen, Karin Spitfire, Elizabeth Garber, Mikhu Paul, Carol Dana, Joanna Hynd, Steve Luttrell, and Maine Poetry Out Loud winner Alan Monga. Musical interlude will be performed by composer and musician Malcolm Brooks.

An Open House at the Millay birthplace at 198-200 Broadway in Rockland takes place the same day from 10 am – 4 pm. The public is invited to see progress to date of the restoration of the literary landmark. The final and third stage of the building fundraising campaign is under way.

Millay House Rockland is a non-profit organization that champions poets and the literary arts. It celebrates the legacy of American Poet Edna St. Vincent born in Rockland, Maine on February 22, 1892. She grew up in Camden Maine and went on to win the Pulitzer Poetry Prize in 1923. Central to the mission is rejuvenating her birthplace -- a duplex in the heart of Rockland’s historical district. Join us in the project of preserving history and promoting poetry in Maine.